Prof. dr. Maarten Loopmans
Maarten Loopmans is a political ecologist and human geographer focusing on spatial development and urban-rural relations. through fundamental and applied research projects, he analyzes the social dimensions of urban and rural planning and its connection to the everyday use of the built environment. He also writes about urban and rural marginalization and discrimination in relation to the governance of social and material infrastructure and ecological and health issues.
Maarten Loopmans experiments with innovative qualitative and quantitative research and participation methods, including (photo)graphics and citizen science. He teaches in the bachelor and master of Geography, the master of civil engineering: Architecture and the master of Sustainable Territorial Development at the KULeuven. He previously taught at the master of Urbanism and Spatial Planning (Stedenbouw en Ruimtelijke Ordening) at SteR*, Erasmus Hogeschool Brussels (now VUB-Free University of Brussels).